New England Trees

Norway Spruce
Picea abies

Plant Family: Pinaceae
Growth Form: Large, densely branched tree, to 25 meters tall; the lower branches droop down and curve up at the tips.
Leaves: The green needles are 1 – 2.5 cm long and tend to point forward along the twig.
Bark: Gray to reddish brown, with large scales.
Cones: Large, cylindrical, pendulous, from 10 – 15 cm long.
Habitat: Cultivated in parks and gardens.
Range: The native range of this handsome tree is northern and central Europe where it is often planted in managed forests for timber production; it is widely planted throughout New England, and sometimes naturalizes.
Key Features: The long, pendulous cones and the drooping branches distinguish it from our native spruces.
Comments: In its native range Norway Spruce may grow to 50 meters or more in height and live to be several hundred years old. There are many (mostly dwarf) cultivars available for landscape use.